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Motivational story of a Legend and a Warrior


Here is the motivational story of a legend and a warrior who fights his own battles to break the barriers and accomplish his purpose.

Currently, I travel around 90 km per day to & fro between my home and office. It gives me a strenuous feel. But, here is a story of a legend that energizes me to move ahead. 


Yes! The story of a Tamil Nadu Health and Family Welfare Minister, Thiru Ma Subramanian. He inspired many by his Will Power and Determination.

Through an accident in 2004, his leg below the knee broke into seven pieces with his skull cracked. Doctors said he would not walk since he has had diabetes for more than 15 years.

To overcome the infirmity, he got the better of his own. Even though he is not having any prior sports activity experience. He slowly started with yoga, then slowly progressed his physical movements. He started going for walks, then brisk walks, and ended up as a marathoner. He participated in marathons in many countries like Greece, Austria, Norway, Qatar, the UK, and Australia. At age of 61, he continuously ran for 4 hours(1010 rounds) in an 8 shaped path and won the Asia Book of Record. Also, he is a World Record holder for running maximum marathons in 3 years.

 Never stop pursuing until you accomplish your goals. Have a commitment and determination to reach your dream. Constantly work hard to gain knowledge and never capitulate for the circumstances and your past.

Karmegam Radhakrishnan

Karmegam Radhakrishnan

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