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Here the inspirational story of Walt Disney

Here the inspirational story of Walt Disney

As everyone knows, the Disney Corporation is one of the world’s leading production companies  with higher standards in value and ceaseless in creative imagination.

Early in life, he was high school dropped out and attempted to join army but rejected due to under age.He worked as a ambulance driver. After a few years, he had a dream of becoming an artist in a newspaper. His brother got him a job in Pesmen-Rubin Art Studio where Walt was fired due to Lack of Imagination.

He was not demoralized. With steady enthusiasm and support of his friend, he started his first partnership business as Commercial artists. But unfortunately, they failed to attract more customers so their business lasted for a month. 


Even after a couple of failed attempts, his determination and attitude continuously keep pushing his limits (keep him moving ahead). Once his first movie Snow White released it became an instant sensation and getting more positive reviews from the audience. The rest become history

Optimism, Determination, and Enthusiasm are the essential element that leads to great achievement” 

Image Source: Wikipedia
Karmegam Radhakrishnan

Karmegam Radhakrishnan

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