Karmegam Radhakrishnan- My Blog

Digital Marketing Specialist | SEO | SEM | Google PPC Ads | Social Media Marketing

Digital Marketing Specialist in Chennai | ACE in Digital Marketing | Customer Acquisition Consultant


My Core Competencies

As a digital marketing Specialist, we have to be cognizant of all digital marketing trends, updates and how to equally diversify the marketing budget in different digital avenues.

​In my journey in digital marketing, I used to work for B2B and B2C marketing companies, where my responsibility is managing the website, Digital Marketing Budget, Leads generation, Online presence, online marketing activities, and Content writers team management. Whether it is paid campaigns or email campaigns I would either be outsourcing it to the digital marketing agency or doing it by myself.

​As a digital Marketing Specialist, I used to perform the below using my extensive experience within the allocated budget for marketing to help businesses to harnessing the potential of digital marketing to generate revenue

Social Media Marketing
Google Paid Campaigns
Affiliate Marketing
Email Marketing
Content marketing
Lead Management
YouTube Marketing
Drip Campaigns
SMS Marketing

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