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Motivational Story: Here the Motivational Story of a Young Boy who Inspired Many.

Harish studying on mountain top

Here the Motivational Story of a Young Boy Who Inspired Many.

Due to this Pandemic Schools, university classes and workplaces traversed online. This new normal has given traction for people living in rural areas with low internet connectivity.

The Government has sought out options for online education, like television classes via community radio. But due to weak internet access in the remote area of the states, this hasn't received the people.

A Young Boy named Harish who is living in a small village named Darura in Barmer district in Rajasthan has to climb the mountain every day to seek internet access to attend online classes.

"From last month and a half, Harish climbs the mountain at 8 a.m. and returns home at 2 p.m. after the class ends, " Harish 's father told Reporter.

The moral of the story is " If you are really on to completing the given task, Situation and Circumstances will never be your barrier"

"The Price of Greatness is Responsibility"
Karmegam Radhakrishnan

Karmegam Radhakrishnan

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