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Here the intrinsic value of believing in your Dream

Image Source: Daily Mail

Here the intrinsic value of believing in your Dream

The world youngest astronaut in training - Alyssa Carson.The 18-year-old astronaut gearing up for Mars.

At the age of 3, she told her father that her dream was to be an astronaut and go to the Red planet. She has been watching the TV Series, The Backyardigans where the characters visit the red planet. It inspires her.

Her desire and longing to make her dream come true, made her the youngest person to graduate from the project PoSSUM academy, a specialist training program for astronauts, at age 15. She was the first person to complete all the NASA passport programme in the world.

Later on she became one of the 7 ambassadors representing the mission to set up a human base on Mars in 2030. In 2016, she was the youngest to accept the mission to Space and as an astronaut trainee.

“Having determined, passionate and longing to accomplish your dreams will lead you to do wonders”

Karmegam Radhakrishnan

Karmegam Radhakrishnan

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